CSSF Updates LDI Fund Reporting Template for GBP Funds

Christophe BARDY - GRACES community
Propulsé par Virginie
Cet article est réservé aux membres GRACES.community

CSSF Updates LDI Fund Reporting Template for GBP-Denominated Funds

Key Updates to the LDI Reporting Framework

The Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) has released an updated version of its reporting template specifically designed for Liability-Driven Investment (LDI) funds denominated in British Pounds (GBP). This enhancement to the regulatory framework aims to strengthen oversight of LDI strategies following recent market turbulence and lessons learned from the UK gilt market crisis.

Comprehensive Risk Monitoring Framework

The new reporting template introduces enhanced monitoring requirements for:

- Leverage levels and stress testing scenarios

- Liquidity risk management practices

- Collateral management and margin call procedures

- Counterparty exposure tracking

- Portfolio rebalancing mechanisms

Implementation Timeline and Technical Specifications

Fund managers must implement the new reporting requirements according to the following schedule:

- Immediate adoption for new LDI funds

- Transition period for existing funds to adapt their reporting systems

- Quarterly submission frequency maintained

- Enhanced data validation processes

Operational Impact Assessment

The revised template necessitates:

- Updated risk management procedures

- Enhanced data collection and validation processes

- Strengthened internal controls

- Regular stress testing implementation

Quelques pistes pour l'intégration opérationnelle dans votre dispositif :

• Conduct a gap analysis between current reporting capabilities and new requirements

• Update internal procedures and controls to accommodate enhanced reporting demands

• Implement automated data collection and validation processes where possible

• Establish regular training sessions for staff involved in LDI reporting

• Develop a comprehensive testing plan to ensure accuracy and completeness of reported data

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