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The Challenges of KYC/CDD

The Challenges of KYC/CDD

Détails de l'événement

15/12/2022 15:00 - 15/12/2022 16:00

Fuseau horaire : (UTC+01:00) Bruxelles, Copenhague, Madrid, Paris

Réunion Microsoft Teams

Regulated entities around the world are required to implement strong AML measures to prevent the misuse of their products and services by criminals who are looking to launder their illegally derived funds.

Regulators around the world consider that Know-Your-Customer and Customer Due Diligence (KYC/CDD) are two of the most important elements of every AML program.

In this session we will examine what the elements of KYC/CDD are, how to implement KYC/CDD measures that satisfy the regulator and what we expect to see in the future.

Presentation Highlights

  • Why is KYC/CDD required
  • What is the difference between KYC and CDD?
  • Understand the elements of KYC/CDD
  • How to verify individuals and legal persons
  • What is Enhanced Due Diligence
  • How EDD is conducted in the case of PEPs
  • Challenges of KYC/CDD
  • What we expect to see in the future

CPD Recognition | 1 CPD Unit in Anti-Money Laundering/Financial Regulation

Certificate of Attendance | Participants who attended the full webinar will attain a certificate of attendance.


Anna Stylianou

Anna has extensive experience in the financial industry in the field of regulatory compliance. She has worked for many years in the banking industry and has served as a member of the Board of Directors in entities supervised by the Central Bank of Cyprus and CySEC. Through her long-term experience she has obtained a thorough understanding of the overall financial services regulatory requirements, ensuring that regulated entities implement appropriate policies and procedures to comply with regulatory obligations especially in the field of AML. Furthermore, Anna has worked with reputable lawyers in the legal industry and acted as an independent trusted advisor for cases and projects in the areas of her expertise. She is a holder of a BSc (Hons) in the Retail Financial Services and has an Associateship from the London Institute of Banking and Finance (ALIBF). Anna is also certified by CySEC with the Advanced and AML Certification, a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) and a certified trainer by the Human Resource and Development Authority (HRDA).

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