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Trade Based Money Laundering in Uganda

Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment (ACODE)) and Global Financial Integrity (GFI) proudly announce the launch of their collaborative report focused on trade-based money laundering (TBML) in Uganda. The publication delves into the vulnerable sectors susceptible to TBML and its profound impacts on the country.

Titled 'TradeBasedMoneyLaundering in Uganda,' the report highlights sectors like importexport, extractive industry, and agriculture as particularly vulnerable to TBML. By uncovering these vulnerabilities, the study aims to raise awareness among stakeholders and enhance understanding.

The report acknowledges Uganda's commendable efforts in combating TBML through #policies and institutional frameworks. It emphasizes the need for continued collaboration between #governmentfinancial institutions, and civil society to effectively address the issue.

Identifying key risk factors, such as #corruption and lack of coordination, the publication recommends raising awareness, enforcing beneficial ownership laws, enhancing data sharing, and supporting frontline agencies to combat TBML effectively.

ACODE and GFI recognize the role of TBML in draining resources from developing countries like Uganda. The publication sheds light on the complexity of TBML and its threat to global economies.

The organizations express gratitude to contributors and hope the insights will foster dialogue and action against TBML in Uganda.

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