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Progrès de la Chine dans le renforcement des mesures de lutte contre le blanchiment d'argent et le financement du terrorisme

29 November 2022 - Overall, China has made progress in addressing some of the technical compliance deficiencies identified in its 32016 Mutual Evaluation report. The country has been upgraded on two recommendations:

  • Recommendation 7 - Targeted financial sanctions related to proliferation
  • Recommendation 24 - Transparency and beneficial ownership of legal persons

China is now compliant on 9 Recommendations, largely compliant on 22 and partially compliant on 5 Recommendations. The country remains non compliant on four recommendations.

China will remain in enhanced follow up and will continue to inform the FATF of progress achieved on improving the implementation of its AML/CFT measures.

Selected by Virginie GASTINE MENOU

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