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Japan's progress in strengthening measures to tackle money laundering and terrorist financing

13 September 2022 - Since the 2021 assessment of Japan's measures to tackle money laundering and terrorist financing, the country has taken a number of actions to strengthen its framework.

In line with the FATF Procedures for mutual evaluations, the country has reported back to the FATF on the action it has taken since their mutual evaluation.

Consequently, to reflect Japan's progress, the FATF has re-rated the country on Recommendation 2  from Partially Compliant to Largely Compliant.

Today, Japan is compliant on 4 Recommendations and largely compliant on 25. The country remains partially compliant on 9 Recommendations.

Japan will remain in enhanced follow up and will continue to inform the FATF of progress achieved on improving the implementation of its AML/CFT measures.


p/o Virginie Gastine Menou




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