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FIU CONNECT Open Source Intelligence

Reuser’s Information Services (RIS) OSINT Intelligence Cycle

Arno H.P. Reuser is the founder and manager (now retired) of the Open Source Intelligence branch of theDutch Defence Intelligence & Security Service. He is currently an OSINT researcher, consultant and trainer. In 2017, he published “The RIS Open Source Intelligence Cycle” article in the Journal of Mediterranean and Balkan Intelligence. The article maps out the process of converting data into intelligence :

An intelligence production model

The new intelligence cycle is based on a simple intelligence production model that is important to understand. The process starts with data. Data is the raw bits and bytes with which intelligence production starts. Data is invalidated, unstructured, duplicated, and chaotic. This data needs to be processed to produce information that is at the very minimum structured, translated, de-duplicated, ordered, decrypted, signed*, (maybe) summarized, and validated for usefulness and reliability.

Information needs to be analyzed to produce intelligence or some intelligence product. Intelligence should lead to some kind of a decision or at the very least influence a decision which in turn should lead to some change.

* Which is adding meta data, source descriptions etc. for later retrieval and evidence


p/o Virginie Gastine Menou




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