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Eurojust Report on Money Laundering

The Eurojust Report on Money Laundering presents key findings based on Eurojust's money laundering casework and expertise built up over the years. It is the Agency’s first dedicated publication on money laundering. The report aims to support national authorities dealing with cross-border money laundering cases by providing an overview of the legal and practical challenges, as well as solutions, including the use of Eurojust's judicial cooperation tools.

The report analyses money laundering cases registered at Eurojust between 1 January 2016 and 31 December 2021. During this reference period, almost 3 000 corruption cases were registered at the Agency, with cases steadily rising since 2016. Topics focused on include (i) predicate offence; (ii) complex money laundering schemes; (iii) financial and banking information; (iv) asset recovery; (v) cooperation with third countries; (vi) cooperation with the European Public Prosecutor’s Office; (vii) potential conflicts of jurisdiction and ne bis in idem issues; and (viii) spontaneous exchange of information.

Sélectionné par Virginie GASTINE MENOU

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